Playing catchup
It has been a while since I’ve posted. There have been a number of articles that I’ve wanted to publish, but each has had an issue. I’ll address two for now.
The Forensic Intelligence script, as I originally conceived it, has been abandoned. The script was a wrapper for Nirsoft tools. As I was writing the script, everything appeared to be checking out in that I was getting results. Unfortunately, those results were of my own machine and not of the mounted image file. A few of the tools do not support the command line and even more are inconsistent in their implementation meaning the reports wouldn’t be as polished as I had hoped. Combining these two issues, I’ve stopped work on this project.
The Evernote post and forensic note sharing is another story. For a long time, I struggled with how to present my notes to the community. David Gold reached out after I mentioned his book on G+ and I ran across this after some of his linked articles: “It’s your system, and no one else will be using it. It only needs to make sense to you.” In this whole process, I forgot that first and foremost these are my notes that I’ve accumulated or written over time. I’m only sharing that and with it my organization (madness). Without further adieu …
Update 2016-04-12: All Evernote shares have been removed.
I have not included a few notes since they include personal information or sensitive materials (LES/FOUO). I do have a Legal notebook that I’d like to share in the near future, but I have to clean up the content quite a bit. The above notebooks will be heavily changed with topics broken out more, but I really wanted to get this out there. I’m not expecting much feedback or use out of it, but I think it’s a shame how little our community shares. Hopefully this will help break some of that resistance at a bare minimum.
Any suggestions and feedback would be greatly welcomed. There is a ton of content and resources out there. It is impossible to find and archive it all, but I’ve found that some stuff is just hard to find if you don’t save it. That is my goal and I do hope you find a use for it.